

There are 2 police division, 12 police station and 2 police camp in Gariaband district

District Police Office
Sr. No. Office Name Designation Phone Number CUG Number
1 Office of the Superintendent of Police SP 07706-241991 94791-90067
2 Office of the Additional SP Additional SP 07706-241302 94791-90069
3 Office of the SDOP Gariaband SDOP 94791-91311
4 Office of the SDOP Mainpur SDOP 07703-243424 94791-90070
Police Station
Sr. No. Name of Police Station Designation Phone Number CUG Number Email id
1 Gariaband Police Station Sub Inspector 07706-241233 94791-91068 citykotwali[at]gmail[dot]com
2 Fingeshwar Police Station Sub Inspector 07701-255168 94791-91066 pc.fingeshwar[at]gmail[dot]com
3 Chhura Police Station Inspector 07701-266143  94791-91069  pschhura[at]gmail[dot]com
4 Panduka Police Station Inspector  94791-91308 panduka.thana[at]gmail[dot]com
5 Rajim Police Station Inspector 07701-235100  94791-91065 thanarajim66[at]gmail[dot]com
6 Piperchhedi Police Station Sub Inspector  94791-91313
7 Maipur Police Station Inspector 07703-243220 94791-91070 policestationmainpur[at]gmail[dot]com
8 Deobhog Police Station DSP 07704-292210 94791-91026
9 Shobha Police Station Sub Inspector  94791-91311
10 Indagaon Police Station Sub Inspector  94791-91312
11 Amplipadar Police Station Sub Inspector  94791-91309
12 Payalikhand Police Station Sub Inspector  94791-91310
Other Office
Sr. No. Office Name Designation Phone Number CUG Number
1 Bindranawagarh Chauki Sub Inspector 94791-90073
2 Reserve Inspector RI 94791-90072
3 Control Room ASI 94791-91071
4 Naxalite Cell Incharge Sub Inspector 07706-241995 94791-90068
5 Crime Squad Sub Inspector 94791-90071