General Information
District |
Parliamentary Constituency No. & Name |
Assembly Constituency No. & Name |
Gariaband |
9-Mahasamund |
54-Rajim |
Gariaband |
9-Mahasamund |
55-Bindranwagarh |
Polling Station
S.No. |
AC No. & Name |
Number of Polling Stations |
Number of BLOs |
1 |
54-Rajim |
274 |
274 |
2 |
55-Bindranwagarh |
300 |
300 |
Total |
574 |
574 |
Sex |
Population as per Census-2011 |
Projected population as on 01-01-2025 |
Male |
295851 |
338789 |
Female |
301802 |
352477 |
Total |
597653 |
691266 |
S.No. |
Publication Date |
AC No. & Name |
Male |
Female |
Other |
Total |
1 |
Final Publication Date 06.01.2025 |
54-Rajim |
114997 |
120156 |
6 |
235159 |
2 |
Final Publication Date 06.01.2025 |
55-Bindranwagarh |
114097 |
119072 |
3 |
233172 |
Total |
229094 |
239228 |
9 |
468331 |
Service Voter
S.No. |
AC No. & Name |
Male |
Female |
Total |
1 |
54-Rajim |
124 |
4 |
128 |
2 |
55-Bindranwagarh |
67 |
0 |
67 |
Total |
191 |
4 |
195 |
Age Cohort wise electors
Voters age between 18 to 19 = 9079
Voters age above 80 = 4500
EP Ratio, EPIC Coverage & Photo Coverage
S.No. |
AC No. & Name |
Gender Ratio (Census-2011) |
Gender Ratio (Electoral Roll) |
EP Ratio |
EPIC Coverage |
Photo Coverage |
1 |
54-Rajim |
1020 |
1045 |
68.62 |
100% |
100% |
2 |
55-Bindranwagarh |
1020 |
1044 |
68.06 |
100% |
100% |
Total |
1044 |
68.34 |
100% |
100% |
Voting Percentages
S.No. |
AC No. & Name |
Assembly Election (2023) |
Assembly Election (2018) |
Parliamentary Election (2024) |
Parliamentary Election (2019) |
1 |
54-Rajim |
84.03% |
82.86% |
75.59% |
73.65% |
2 |
55-Bindranwagarh |
86.02% |
85.74% |
81.19% |
79.87% |
Total |
85.02% |
84.30% |
78.38% |
76.76% |