Title | Description | Start Date | End Date | File |
Cancellation notice due to unavoidable reasons of the advertisement issued for filling the vacant posts of class III and IV under the Revenue Department. | Cancellation notice due to unavoidable reasons of the advertisement issued for filling the vacant posts of class III and IV under the Revenue Department. |
28/02/2025 | 28/03/2025 | View (423 KB) |
List after objection and skill test notice for recruitment of para legal personnel/ lawyer, para medical personnel and security guard under Sakhi One Stop Center | List after objection and skill test notice for recruitment of para legal personnel/ lawyer, para medical personnel and security guard under Sakhi One Stop Center |
24/02/2025 | 21/03/2025 | View (381 KB) सुरक्षा गार्ड अंतिम पात्र व अपात्र (3 MB) दावा आपत्ति निराकरण सूची, (916 KB) पैरा मेडिकल कार्मिक (862 KB) पैरा लीगल कार्मिक (310 KB) वाक इन इंटरव्यू व कौशल परीक्षा हेतु सूची (2 MB) |
Revised information for admission in class 6th under Jawahar Utkarsh Yojana | Revised information for admission in class 6th under Jawahar Utkarsh Yojana |
03/02/2025 | 02/03/2025 | View (175 KB) |